The Last Frontier.

Last summer Kristen and I, along with her family, embarked on a trip up north. North to Alaska. A land and cruise adventure through the great wilderness of our 49th state. A true, once in a lifetime experience. A place that was high on the “bucket list.” I won’t get into too much detail here. I personally believe this is one of those posts where the photos just need to do the talking. I will say that the expansive wilderness is quite the sight to see. One that cannot be put into words on how truly vast Alaska is.

Our itinerary is listed below. A few days spent in the interior of the state, followed up by the cruise that headed south along the coastline.

Also after all the photos is a short video. First time putting together a video of clips captured on our cell phones and cameras.


Mt. McKinley Wilderness Lodge

Denali Wilderness Lodge


Hubbard Glacier

Glacier Bay National Park

Margerie Glacier



Mendenhall Glacier (Helicopter ride/glacier walk)



Thank you for taking the time to scroll through our photos. We hope they were able to provide some justice to the beautiful landscapes that make up the state of Alaska.

Dan & Kristen